How To: Use the T-bone Rack

The idea of the T-bone stand is to be able to cook your T-bone, or any other steak to perfection.

The aim is to be able to end with a rare or medium-rare steak, but still have crispy or melted fat, and in the case of a T-bone to have it well-cooked along the bone.

Step 1:

(Only for cuts with bone)

Place your T-bone with the bone to bottom. The main goal is to heat the bone and cook the meat along the bone.  If your braai setup has heat coming from the side, place the fat facing the heat so it can start melting.

Step 2:

(All cuts)

If you are preparing a rump or other boneless cut, you will start at this step. Place the fat to the bottom, and manage your heat depending on whether you want a crispy or melted finish.

Step 3:

Finish cooking the meat on its side to your preference.

Step 4:

Place your meat back in the rack and let it rest for a few minutes. You can serve the meat in the rack on a board. Enjoy!

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